This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page. (Apache Crunch 0.9.0 API)


Data input and output for Pipelines.


Interface Summary
FileNamingScheme Encapsulates rules for naming output files.
PathTarget A target whose output goes to a given path on a file system.
ReadableSource<T> An extension of the Source interface that indicates that a Source instance may be read as a series of records by the client code.
ReadableSourceTarget<T> An interface that indicates that a SourceTarget instance can be read into the local client.

Class Summary
At Static factory methods for creating common SourceTarget types, which may be treated as both a Source and a Target.
CrunchInputs Helper functions for configuring multiple InputFormat instances within a single Crunch MapReduce job.
CrunchOutputs<K,V> An analogue of CrunchInputs for handling multiple OutputFormat instances writing to multiple files within a single MapReduce job.
FormatBundle<K> A combination of an InputFormat or OutputFormat and any extra configuration information that format class needs to run.
From Static factory methods for creating common Source types.
SequentialFileNamingScheme Default FileNamingScheme that uses an incrementing sequence number in order to generate unique file names.
SourceTargetHelper Functions for configuring the inputs/outputs of MapReduce jobs.
To Static factory methods for creating common Target types.

Package Description

Data input and output for Pipelines.

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