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PathTarget (Apache Crunch 0.9.0 API)
Interface PathTarget

All Superinterfaces:
MapReduceTarget, Target
All Known Implementing Classes:
AvroFileSourceTarget, AvroFileTarget, AvroParquetFileSourceTarget, AvroParquetFileTarget, AvroPathPerKeyTarget, FileTargetImpl, HFileTarget, ReadableSourcePathTargetImpl, SeqFileSourceTarget, SeqFileTableSourceTarget, SeqFileTarget, SourcePathTargetImpl, TableSourcePathTargetImpl, TextFileSourceTarget, TextFileTableSourceTarget, TextFileTarget, TrevniKeySourceTarget, TrevniKeyTarget

public interface PathTarget
extends MapReduceTarget

A target whose output goes to a given path on a file system.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.apache.crunch.Target
Method Summary
 FileNamingScheme getFileNamingScheme()
          Get the naming scheme to be used for outputs being written to an output path.
 org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path getPath()
 void handleOutputs(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf, org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path workingPath, int index)
          Handles moving the output data for this target from a temporary location on the filesystem to its target path at the end of a MapReduce job.
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.crunch.Target
accept, asSourceTarget, getConverter, handleExisting, outputConf

Method Detail


org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path getPath()


FileNamingScheme getFileNamingScheme()
Get the naming scheme to be used for outputs being written to an output path.

the naming scheme to be used


void handleOutputs(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf,
                   org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path workingPath,
                   int index)
                   throws IOException
Handles moving the output data for this target from a temporary location on the filesystem to its target path at the end of a MapReduce job.

conf - The job Configuration
workingPath - The temp directory that contains the output of the job
index - The index of this target for jobs that write multiple output files to a single directory

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