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SourceTarget (Apache Crunch 0.9.0 API)

Interface SourceTarget<T>

All Superinterfaces:
Source<T>, Target
All Known Subinterfaces:
ReadableSourceTarget<T>, TableSourceTarget<K,V>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AvroFileSourceTarget, AvroParquetFileSourceTarget, HBaseSourceTarget, ReadableSourcePathTargetImpl, ReadableSourceTargetImpl, SeqFileSourceTarget, SeqFileTableSourceTarget, SourcePathTargetImpl, TableSourcePathTargetImpl, TableSourceTargetImpl, TextFileSourceTarget, TextFileTableSourceTarget, TrevniKeySourceTarget

public interface SourceTarget<T>
extends Source<T>, Target

An interface for classes that implement both the Source and the Target interfaces.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.apache.crunch.Target
Method Summary
 SourceTarget<T> conf(String key, String value)
          Adds the given key-value pair to the Configuration instance(s) that are used to read and write this SourceTarget<T>.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.crunch.Source
configureSource, getConverter, getLastModifiedAt, getSize, getType, inputConf
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.crunch.Target
accept, asSourceTarget, getConverter, handleExisting, outputConf

Method Detail


SourceTarget<T> conf(String key,
                     String value)
Adds the given key-value pair to the Configuration instance(s) that are used to read and write this SourceTarget<T>. Allows for multiple inputs and outputs to re-use the same config keys with different values when necessary.

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