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Uses of Class org.apache.crunch.MapFn (Apache Crunch 0.9.0 API)

Uses of Class

Packages that use MapFn
org.apache.crunch Client-facing API and core abstractions. 
org.apache.crunch.fn Commonly used functions for manipulating collections. 
org.apache.crunch.lib Joining, sorting, aggregating, and other commonly used functionality. 
org.apache.crunch.types Common functionality for business object serialization. 
org.apache.crunch.types.avro Business object serialization using Apache Avro. 
org.apache.crunch.types.writable Business object serialization using Hadoop's Writables framework. 

Uses of MapFn in org.apache.crunch

Methods in org.apache.crunch with parameters of type MapFn
<K> PTable<K,S><S,K> extractKeyFn, PType<K> keyType)
          Apply the given map function to each element of this instance in order to create a PTable.
<K> PTable<K,S> name, MapFn<S,K> extractKeyFn, PType<K> keyType)
          Apply the given map function to each element of this instance in order to create a PTable.
<K2> PTable<K2,V>
PTable.mapKeys(MapFn<K,K2> mapFn, PType<K2> ptype)
          Returns a PTable that has the same values as this instance, but uses the given function to map the keys.
<K2> PTable<K2,V>
PTable.mapKeys(String name, MapFn<K,K2> mapFn, PType<K2> ptype)
          Returns a PTable that has the same values as this instance, but uses the given function to map the keys.
<U> PTable<K,U>
PGroupedTable.mapValues(MapFn<Iterable<V>,U> mapFn, PType<U> ptype)
          Maps the Iterable<V> elements of each record to a new type.
<U> PTable<K,U>
PTable.mapValues(MapFn<V,U> mapFn, PType<U> ptype)
          Returns a PTable that has the same keys as this instance, but uses the given function to map the values.
<U> PTable<K,U>
PGroupedTable.mapValues(String name, MapFn<Iterable<V>,U> mapFn, PType<U> ptype)
          Maps the Iterable<V> elements of each record to a new type.
<U> PTable<K,U>
PTable.mapValues(String name, MapFn<V,U> mapFn, PType<U> ptype)
          Returns a PTable that has the same keys as this instance, but uses the given function to map the values.

Uses of MapFn in org.apache.crunch.fn

Subclasses of MapFn in org.apache.crunch.fn
 class CompositeMapFn<R,S,T>
 class ExtractKeyFn<K,V>
          Wrapper function for converting a MapFn into a key-value pair that is used to convert from a PCollection<V> to a PTable<K, V>.
 class IdentityFn<T>
 class PairMapFn<K,V,S,T>

Methods in org.apache.crunch.fn that return MapFn
 MapFn<R,S> CompositeMapFn.getFirst()
 MapFn<S,T> CompositeMapFn.getSecond()

Constructors in org.apache.crunch.fn with parameters of type MapFn
CompositeMapFn(MapFn<R,S> first, MapFn<S,T> second)
CompositeMapFn(MapFn<R,S> first, MapFn<S,T> second)
ExtractKeyFn(MapFn<V,K> mapFn)
PairMapFn(MapFn<K,S> keys, MapFn<V,T> values)
PairMapFn(MapFn<K,S> keys, MapFn<V,T> values)

Uses of MapFn in org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect

Methods in org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect with parameters of type MapFn
<K> PTable<K,S><S,K> mapFn, PType<K> keyType)
<K> PTable<K,S> name, MapFn<S,K> mapFn, PType<K> keyType)
<K2> PTable<K2,V>
PTableBase.mapKeys(MapFn<K,K2> mapFn, PType<K2> ptype)
<K2> PTable<K2,V>
PTableBase.mapKeys(String name, MapFn<K,K2> mapFn, PType<K2> ptype)
<U> PTable<K,U>
BaseGroupedTable.mapValues(MapFn<Iterable<V>,U> mapFn, PType<U> ptype)
<U> PTable<K,U>
PTableBase.mapValues(MapFn<V,U> mapFn, PType<U> ptype)
<U> PTable<K,U>
BaseGroupedTable.mapValues(String name, MapFn<Iterable<V>,U> mapFn, PType<U> ptype)
<U> PTable<K,U>
PTableBase.mapValues(String name, MapFn<V,U> mapFn, PType<U> ptype)

Uses of MapFn in org.apache.crunch.impl.mem.collect

Methods in org.apache.crunch.impl.mem.collect with parameters of type MapFn
<K> PTable<K,S><S,K> mapFn, PType<K> keyType)
<K> PTable<K,S> name, MapFn<S,K> mapFn, PType<K> keyType)
<K2> PTable<K2,V>
MemTable.mapKeys(MapFn<K,K2> mapFn, PType<K2> ptype)
<K2> PTable<K2,V>
MemTable.mapKeys(String name, MapFn<K,K2> mapFn, PType<K2> ptype)
<U> PTable<K,U>
MemTable.mapValues(MapFn<V,U> mapFn, PType<U> ptype)
<U> PTable<K,U>
MemTable.mapValues(String name, MapFn<V,U> mapFn, PType<U> ptype)

Uses of MapFn in org.apache.crunch.impl.spark.fn

Constructors in org.apache.crunch.impl.spark.fn with parameters of type MapFn
MapFunction(MapFn fn, SparkRuntimeContext ctxt)
PairMapFunction(MapFn<Pair<K,V>,S> fn, SparkRuntimeContext ctxt)
PairMapIterableFunction(MapFn<Pair<K,List<V>>,Pair<S,Iterable<T>>> fn, SparkRuntimeContext runtimeContext)

Uses of MapFn in org.apache.crunch.lib

Methods in org.apache.crunch.lib with parameters of type MapFn
<K1,K2,V> PTable<K2,V>
PTables.mapKeys(PTable<K1,V> ptable, MapFn<K1,K2> mapFn, PType<K2> ptype)
          Maps a PTable<K1, V> to a PTable<K2, V> using the given MapFn<K1, K2> on the keys of the PTable.
<K1,K2,V> PTable<K2,V>
PTables.mapKeys(String name, PTable<K1,V> ptable, MapFn<K1,K2> mapFn, PType<K2> ptype)
          Maps a PTable<K1, V> to a PTable<K2, V> using the given MapFn<K1, K2> on the keys of the PTable.
<K,U,V> PTable<K,V>
PTables.mapValues(PGroupedTable<K,U> ptable, MapFn<Iterable<U>,V> mapFn, PType<V> ptype)
          An analogue of the mapValues function for PGroupedTable<K, U> collections.
<K,U,V> PTable<K,V>
PTables.mapValues(PTable<K,U> ptable, MapFn<U,V> mapFn, PType<V> ptype)
          Maps a PTable<K, U> to a PTable<K, V> using the given MapFn<U, V> on the values of the PTable.
<K,U,V> PTable<K,V>
PTables.mapValues(String name, PGroupedTable<K,U> ptable, MapFn<Iterable<U>,V> mapFn, PType<V> ptype)
          An analogue of the mapValues function for PGroupedTable<K, U> collections.
<K,U,V> PTable<K,V>
PTables.mapValues(String name, PTable<K,U> ptable, MapFn<U,V> mapFn, PType<V> ptype)
          Maps a PTable<K, U> to a PTable<K, V> using the given MapFn<U, V> on the values of the PTable.

Uses of MapFn in org.apache.crunch.lib.sort

Subclasses of MapFn in org.apache.crunch.lib.sort
static class SortFns.AvroGenericFn<V extends Tuple>
          Pulls a composite set of keys from an Avro GenericRecord instance.
static class SortFns.SingleKeyFn<V extends Tuple,K>
          Extracts a single indexed key from a Tuple instance.
static class SortFns.TupleKeyFn<V extends Tuple,K extends Tuple>
          Extracts a composite key from a Tuple instance.

Methods in org.apache.crunch.lib.sort that return MapFn
 MapFn<V,Object> SortFns.KeyExtraction.getByFn()

Uses of MapFn in org.apache.crunch.types

Subclasses of MapFn in org.apache.crunch.types
static class PGroupedTableType.PairIterableMapFn<K,V>

Fields in org.apache.crunch.types declared as MapFn
static MapFn<BigInteger,ByteBuffer> PTypes.BIGINT_TO_BYTE
static MapFn<ByteBuffer,BigInteger> PTypes.BYTE_TO_BIGINT

Methods in org.apache.crunch.types that return MapFn
<M extends,K>
Protos.extractKey(String fieldName)
 MapFn<Object,T> PType.getInputMapFn()
 MapFn<T,Object> PType.getOutputMapFn()

Methods in org.apache.crunch.types with parameters of type MapFn
<S,T> PType<T>
PTypeFamily.derived(Class<T> clazz, MapFn<S,T> inputFn, MapFn<T,S> outputFn, PType<S> base)
<S,T> PType<T>
PTypeFamily.derived(Class<T> clazz, MapFn<S,T> inputFn, MapFn<T,S> outputFn, PType<S> base)

Constructors in org.apache.crunch.types with parameters of type MapFn
PGroupedTableType.HoldLastIterator(MapFn<Object,V> mapFn)
PGroupedTableType.PairIterableMapFn(MapFn<Object,K> keys, MapFn<Object,V> values)
PGroupedTableType.PairIterableMapFn(MapFn<Object,K> keys, MapFn<Object,V> values)
PGroupedTableType.PTypeIterable(MapFn<Object,V> mapFn, Iterable<Object> iterable)

Uses of MapFn in org.apache.crunch.types.avro

Fields in org.apache.crunch.types.avro declared as MapFn
static MapFn<Object,ByteBuffer> Avros.BYTES_IN
static MapFn<String,org.apache.avro.util.Utf8> Avros.STRING_TO_UTF8
static MapFn<CharSequence,String> Avros.UTF8_TO_STRING

Methods in org.apache.crunch.types.avro that return MapFn
 MapFn<Object,T> AvroType.getInputMapFn()
 MapFn<T,Object> AvroType.getOutputMapFn()

Methods in org.apache.crunch.types.avro with parameters of type MapFn
<S,T> AvroType<T>
Avros.derived(Class<T> clazz, MapFn<S,T> inputFn, MapFn<T,S> outputFn, PType<S> base)
<S,T> AvroType<T>
Avros.derived(Class<T> clazz, MapFn<S,T> inputFn, MapFn<T,S> outputFn, PType<S> base)
<S,T> PType<T>
AvroTypeFamily.derived(Class<T> clazz, MapFn<S,T> inputFn, MapFn<T,S> outputFn, PType<S> base)
<S,T> PType<T>
AvroTypeFamily.derived(Class<T> clazz, MapFn<S,T> inputFn, MapFn<T,S> outputFn, PType<S> base)

Constructors in org.apache.crunch.types.avro with parameters of type MapFn
AvroType(Class<T> typeClass, org.apache.avro.Schema schema, MapFn inputMapFn, MapFn outputMapFn, DeepCopier<T> deepCopier, PType... ptypes)
AvroType(Class<T> typeClass, org.apache.avro.Schema schema, MapFn inputMapFn, MapFn outputMapFn, DeepCopier<T> deepCopier, PType... ptypes)

Uses of MapFn in org.apache.crunch.types.writable

Methods in org.apache.crunch.types.writable that return MapFn
 MapFn WritableType.getInputMapFn()
 MapFn WritableType.getOutputMapFn()

Methods in org.apache.crunch.types.writable with parameters of type MapFn
<S,T> PType<T>
Writables.derived(Class<T> clazz, MapFn<S,T> inputFn, MapFn<T,S> outputFn, PType<S> base)
<S,T> PType<T>
Writables.derived(Class<T> clazz, MapFn<S,T> inputFn, MapFn<T,S> outputFn, PType<S> base)
<S,T> PType<T>
WritableTypeFamily.derived(Class<T> clazz, MapFn<S,T> inputFn, MapFn<T,S> outputFn, PType<S> base)
<S,T> PType<T>
WritableTypeFamily.derived(Class<T> clazz, MapFn<S,T> inputFn, MapFn<T,S> outputFn, PType<S> base)

Constructors in org.apache.crunch.types.writable with parameters of type MapFn
WritableType(Class<T> typeClass, Class<W> writableClass, MapFn<W,T> inputDoFn, MapFn<T,W> outputDoFn, PType... subTypes)
WritableType(Class<T> typeClass, Class<W> writableClass, MapFn<W,T> inputDoFn, MapFn<T,W> outputDoFn, PType... subTypes)

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