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Uses of Interface org.apache.crunch.Emitter (Apache Crunch 0.9.0 API)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Emitter
org.apache.crunch Client-facing API and core abstractions. 
org.apache.crunch.contrib.bloomfilter Support for creating Bloom Filters. 
org.apache.crunch.fn Commonly used functions for manipulating collections. 
org.apache.crunch.lib Joining, sorting, aggregating, and other commonly used functionality. 
org.apache.crunch.lib.join Inner and outer joins on collections. 

Uses of Emitter in org.apache.crunch

Methods in org.apache.crunch with parameters of type Emitter
 void FilterFn.cleanup(Emitter<T> emitter)
 void DoFn.cleanup(Emitter<T> emitter)
          Called during the cleanup of the MapReduce job this DoFn is associated with.
 void MapFn.process(S input, Emitter<T> emitter)
abstract  void DoFn.process(S input, Emitter<T> emitter)
          Processes the records from a PCollection.
 void FilterFn.process(T input, Emitter<T> emitter)

Uses of Emitter in org.apache.crunch.contrib.bloomfilter

Methods in org.apache.crunch.contrib.bloomfilter with parameters of type Emitter
 void BloomFilterFn.cleanup(Emitter<Pair<String,org.apache.hadoop.util.bloom.BloomFilter>> emitter)
 void BloomFilterFn.process(S input, Emitter<Pair<String,org.apache.hadoop.util.bloom.BloomFilter>> emitter)

Uses of Emitter in org.apache.crunch.fn

Methods in org.apache.crunch.fn with parameters of type Emitter
 void PairMapFn.cleanup(Emitter<Pair<S,T>> emitter)
 void CompositeMapFn.cleanup(Emitter<T> emitter)

Uses of Emitter in org.apache.crunch.impl.mem.emit

Classes in org.apache.crunch.impl.mem.emit that implement Emitter
 class InMemoryEmitter<T>
          An Emitter instance that writes emitted records to a backing List.

Uses of Emitter in

Classes in that implement Emitter
 class IntermediateEmitter
          An Emitter implementation that links the output of one DoFn to the input of another DoFn.
 class MultipleOutputEmitter<T,K,V>
 class OutputEmitter<T,K,V>

Uses of Emitter in org.apache.crunch.lib

Methods in org.apache.crunch.lib with parameters of type Emitter
 void Aggregate.TopKFn.cleanup(Emitter<Pair<Integer,Pair<K,V>>> emitter)
 void Aggregate.TopKCombineFn.process(Pair<Integer,Iterable<Pair<K,V>>> input, Emitter<Pair<Integer,Pair<K,V>>> emitter)
 void Aggregate.TopKFn.process(Pair<K,V> input, Emitter<Pair<Integer,Pair<K,V>>> emitter)

Uses of Emitter in org.apache.crunch.lib.join

Methods in org.apache.crunch.lib.join with parameters of type Emitter
 void LeftOuterJoinFn.cleanup(Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
          Called during the cleanup of the MapReduce job this DoFn is associated with.
 void FullOuterJoinFn.cleanup(Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
          Called during the cleanup of the MapReduce job this DoFn is associated with.
 void RightOuterJoinFn.join(K key, int id, Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs, Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
          Performs the actual joining.
 void LeftOuterJoinFn.join(K key, int id, Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs, Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
          Performs the actual joining.
abstract  void JoinFn.join(K key, int id, Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs, Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
          Performs the actual joining.
 void InnerJoinFn.join(K key, int id, Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs, Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
 void FullOuterJoinFn.join(K key, int id, Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs, Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
          Performs the actual joining.
 void JoinFn.process(Pair<Pair<K,Integer>,Iterable<Pair<U,V>>> input, Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
          Split up the input record to make coding a bit more manageable.

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