Uses of Pair in org.apache.crunch |
Methods in org.apache.crunch that return Pair | ||
Pair.of(T first,
U second)
Methods in org.apache.crunch that return types with arguments of type Pair | ||
PTable.cogroup(PTable<K,U> other)
Co-group operation with the given table on common keys. |
PTable.join(PTable<K,U> other)
Perform an inner join on this table and the one passed in as an argument on their common keys. |
CombineFn.pairAggregator(CombineFn.AggregatorFactory<V1> a1,
CombineFn.AggregatorFactory<V2> a2)
Iterable<Pair<V1,V2>> |
Methods in org.apache.crunch with parameters of type Pair | |
int |
Pair.compareTo(Pair<K,V> o)
void |
CombineFn.AggregatorCombineFn.process(Pair<K,Iterable<V>> input,
Emitter<Pair<K,V>> emitter)
void |
CombineFn.PairAggregator.update(Pair<V1,V2> value)
Method parameters in org.apache.crunch with type arguments of type Pair | ||
PCollection.parallelDo(DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> doFn,
PTableType<K,V> type)
Similar to the other parallelDo instance, but returns a
PTable instance instead of a PCollection . |
PCollection.parallelDo(String name,
DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> doFn,
PTableType<K,V> type)
Similar to the other parallelDo instance, but returns a
PTable instance instead of a PCollection . |
void |
CombineFn.AggregatorCombineFn.process(Pair<K,Iterable<V>> input,
Emitter<Pair<K,V>> emitter)
Uses of Pair in org.apache.crunch.fn |
Methods in org.apache.crunch.fn that return Pair | |
Pair<S,T> |
PairMapFn.map(Pair<K,V> input)
Pair<K,V> |
ExtractKeyFn.map(V input)
Methods in org.apache.crunch.fn with parameters of type Pair | |
Pair<S,T> |
PairMapFn.map(Pair<K,V> input)
void |
MapKeysFn.process(Pair<K1,V> input,
Emitter<Pair<K2,V>> emitter)
void |
MapValuesFn.process(Pair<K,V1> input,
Emitter<Pair<K,V2>> emitter)
Method parameters in org.apache.crunch.fn with type arguments of type Pair | |
void |
PairMapFn.cleanup(Emitter<Pair<S,T>> emitter)
void |
MapKeysFn.process(Pair<K1,V> input,
Emitter<Pair<K2,V>> emitter)
void |
MapValuesFn.process(Pair<K,V1> input,
Emitter<Pair<K,V2>> emitter)
Uses of Pair in org.apache.crunch.impl.mem |
Method parameters in org.apache.crunch.impl.mem with type arguments of type Pair | ||
MemPipeline.tableOf(Iterable<Pair<S,T>> pairs)
MemPipeline.typedTableOf(PTableType<S,T> ptype,
Iterable<Pair<S,T>> pairs)
Uses of Pair in org.apache.crunch.impl.mem.collect |
Methods in org.apache.crunch.impl.mem.collect that return types with arguments of type Pair | ||
MemTable.cogroup(PTable<K,U> other)
MemTable.join(PTable<K,U> other)
Method parameters in org.apache.crunch.impl.mem.collect with type arguments of type Pair | ||
MemCollection.parallelDo(DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> doFn,
PTableType<K,V> type)
MemCollection.parallelDo(String name,
DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> doFn,
PTableType<K,V> type)
Constructor parameters in org.apache.crunch.impl.mem.collect with type arguments of type Pair | |
MemTable(Iterable<Pair<K,V>> collect)
MemTable(Iterable<Pair<K,V>> collect,
PTableType<K,V> ptype,
String name)
Uses of Pair in org.apache.crunch.impl.mr.collect |
Methods in org.apache.crunch.impl.mr.collect that return types with arguments of type Pair | ||
PTableBase.cogroup(PTable<K,U> other)
PType<Pair<K,V>> |
PType<Pair<K,Iterable<V>>> |
PType<Pair<K,V>> |
PType<Pair<K,V>> |
PTableBase.join(PTable<K,U> other)
Method parameters in org.apache.crunch.impl.mr.collect with type arguments of type Pair | ||
PCollectionImpl.parallelDo(DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn,
PTableType<K,V> type)
PCollectionImpl.parallelDo(String name,
DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn,
PTableType<K,V> type)
Uses of Pair in org.apache.crunch.io.hbase |
Methods in org.apache.crunch.io.hbase that return types with arguments of type Pair | |
PType<Pair<org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.ImmutableBytesWritable,org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result>> |
Uses of Pair in org.apache.crunch.io.seq |
Methods in org.apache.crunch.io.seq that return types with arguments of type Pair | |
Iterable<Pair<K,V>> |
SeqFileTableSource.read(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
Iterator<Pair<K,V>> |
SeqFileTableReaderFactory.read(org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem fs,
org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path path)
Uses of Pair in org.apache.crunch.lib |
Methods in org.apache.crunch.lib that return Pair | ||
PTables.getDetachedValue(PTableType<K,V> tableType,
Pair<K,V> value)
Create a detached value for a table Pair . |
PTables.getGroupedDetachedValue(PGroupedTableType<K,V> groupedTableType,
Pair<K,Iterable<V>> value)
Created a detached value for a PGroupedTable value. |
Methods in org.apache.crunch.lib that return types with arguments of type Pair | ||
Cogroup.cogroup(PTable<K,U> left,
PTable<K,V> right)
Co-groups the two PTable arguments. |
Cartesian.cross(PCollection<U> left,
PCollection<V> right)
Performs a full cross join on the specified PCollection s (using the
same strategy as Pig's CROSS operator). |
Cartesian.cross(PCollection<U> left,
PCollection<V> right,
int parallelism)
Performs a full cross join on the specified PCollection s (using the
same strategy as Pig's CROSS operator). |
Cartesian.cross(PTable<K1,U> left,
PTable<K2,V> right)
Performs a full cross join on the specified PTable s (using the same
strategy as Pig's CROSS operator). |
Cartesian.cross(PTable<K1,U> left,
PTable<K2,V> right)
Performs a full cross join on the specified PTable s (using the same
strategy as Pig's CROSS operator). |
Cartesian.cross(PTable<K1,U> left,
PTable<K2,V> right,
int parallelism)
Performs a full cross join on the specified PTable s (using the same
strategy as Pig's CROSS operator). |
Cartesian.cross(PTable<K1,U> left,
PTable<K2,V> right,
int parallelism)
Performs a full cross join on the specified PTable s (using the same
strategy as Pig's CROSS operator). |
Join.fullJoin(PTable<K,U> left,
PTable<K,V> right)
Performs a full outer join on the specified PTable s. |
Join.innerJoin(PTable<K,U> left,
PTable<K,V> right)
Performs an inner join on the specified PTable s. |
Join.join(PTable<K,U> left,
PTable<K,V> right)
Performs an inner join on the specified PTable s. |
Join.join(PTable<K,U> left,
PTable<K,V> right,
JoinFn<K,U,V> joinFn)
Join.leftJoin(PTable<K,U> left,
PTable<K,V> right)
Performs a left outer join on the specified PTable s. |
Join.rightJoin(PTable<K,U> left,
PTable<K,V> right)
Performs a right outer join on the specified PTable s. |
Sort.sortPairs(PCollection<Pair<U,V>> collection,
Sort.ColumnOrder... columnOrders)
Sorts the PCollection of Pair s using the specified column
ordering. |
Methods in org.apache.crunch.lib with parameters of type Pair | ||
int |
Aggregate.PairValueComparator.compare(Pair<K,V> left,
Pair<K,V> right)
int |
Aggregate.PairValueComparator.compare(Pair<K,V> left,
Pair<K,V> right)
PTables.getDetachedValue(PTableType<K,V> tableType,
Pair<K,V> value)
Create a detached value for a table Pair . |
PTables.getGroupedDetachedValue(PGroupedTableType<K,V> groupedTableType,
Pair<K,Iterable<V>> value)
Created a detached value for a PGroupedTable value. |
void |
Aggregate.TopKCombineFn.process(Pair<Integer,Iterable<Pair<K,V>>> input,
Emitter<Pair<Integer,Pair<K,V>>> emitter)
void |
Aggregate.TopKFn.process(Pair<K,V> input,
Emitter<Pair<Integer,Pair<K,V>>> emitter)
Method parameters in org.apache.crunch.lib with type arguments of type Pair | ||
void |
Aggregate.TopKFn.cleanup(Emitter<Pair<Integer,Pair<K,V>>> emitter)
void |
Aggregate.TopKFn.cleanup(Emitter<Pair<Integer,Pair<K,V>>> emitter)
void |
Aggregate.TopKCombineFn.process(Pair<Integer,Iterable<Pair<K,V>>> input,
Emitter<Pair<Integer,Pair<K,V>>> emitter)
void |
Aggregate.TopKCombineFn.process(Pair<Integer,Iterable<Pair<K,V>>> input,
Emitter<Pair<Integer,Pair<K,V>>> emitter)
void |
Aggregate.TopKCombineFn.process(Pair<Integer,Iterable<Pair<K,V>>> input,
Emitter<Pair<Integer,Pair<K,V>>> emitter)
void |
Aggregate.TopKFn.process(Pair<K,V> input,
Emitter<Pair<Integer,Pair<K,V>>> emitter)
void |
Aggregate.TopKFn.process(Pair<K,V> input,
Emitter<Pair<Integer,Pair<K,V>>> emitter)
Sort.sortPairs(PCollection<Pair<U,V>> collection,
Sort.ColumnOrder... columnOrders)
Sorts the PCollection of Pair s using the specified column
ordering. |
Uses of Pair in org.apache.crunch.lib.join |
Methods in org.apache.crunch.lib.join that return types with arguments of type Pair | ||
MapsideJoin.join(PTable<K,U> left,
PTable<K,V> right)
Join two tables using a map side join. |
Methods in org.apache.crunch.lib.join with parameters of type Pair | |
void |
JoinFn.process(Pair<Pair<K,Integer>,Iterable<Pair<U,V>>> input,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Split up the input record to make coding a bit more manageable. |
Method parameters in org.apache.crunch.lib.join with type arguments of type Pair | |
void |
LeftOuterJoinFn.cleanup(Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Called during the cleanup of the MapReduce job this DoFn is
associated with. |
void |
LeftOuterJoinFn.cleanup(Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Called during the cleanup of the MapReduce job this DoFn is
associated with. |
void |
FullOuterJoinFn.cleanup(Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Called during the cleanup of the MapReduce job this DoFn is
associated with. |
void |
FullOuterJoinFn.cleanup(Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Called during the cleanup of the MapReduce job this DoFn is
associated with. |
void |
RightOuterJoinFn.join(K key,
int id,
Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Performs the actual joining. |
void |
RightOuterJoinFn.join(K key,
int id,
Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Performs the actual joining. |
void |
RightOuterJoinFn.join(K key,
int id,
Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Performs the actual joining. |
void |
LeftOuterJoinFn.join(K key,
int id,
Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Performs the actual joining. |
void |
LeftOuterJoinFn.join(K key,
int id,
Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Performs the actual joining. |
void |
LeftOuterJoinFn.join(K key,
int id,
Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Performs the actual joining. |
abstract void |
JoinFn.join(K key,
int id,
Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Performs the actual joining. |
abstract void |
JoinFn.join(K key,
int id,
Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Performs the actual joining. |
abstract void |
JoinFn.join(K key,
int id,
Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Performs the actual joining. |
void |
InnerJoinFn.join(K key,
int id,
Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Performs the actual joining. |
void |
InnerJoinFn.join(K key,
int id,
Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Performs the actual joining. |
void |
InnerJoinFn.join(K key,
int id,
Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Performs the actual joining. |
void |
FullOuterJoinFn.join(K key,
int id,
Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Performs the actual joining. |
void |
FullOuterJoinFn.join(K key,
int id,
Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Performs the actual joining. |
void |
FullOuterJoinFn.join(K key,
int id,
Iterable<Pair<U,V>> pairs,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Performs the actual joining. |
void |
JoinFn.process(Pair<Pair<K,Integer>,Iterable<Pair<U,V>>> input,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Split up the input record to make coding a bit more manageable. |
void |
JoinFn.process(Pair<Pair<K,Integer>,Iterable<Pair<U,V>>> input,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Split up the input record to make coding a bit more manageable. |
void |
JoinFn.process(Pair<Pair<K,Integer>,Iterable<Pair<U,V>>> input,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Split up the input record to make coding a bit more manageable. |
void |
JoinFn.process(Pair<Pair<K,Integer>,Iterable<Pair<U,V>>> input,
Emitter<Pair<K,Pair<U,V>>> emitter)
Split up the input record to make coding a bit more manageable. |
Uses of Pair in org.apache.crunch.materialize |
Constructor parameters in org.apache.crunch.materialize with type arguments of type Pair | |
MaterializableMap(Iterable<Pair<K,V>> iterable)
Uses of Pair in org.apache.crunch.types |
Fields in org.apache.crunch.types with type parameters of type Pair | |
static TupleFactory<Pair> |
Methods in org.apache.crunch.types that return Pair | |
Pair<K,Iterable<V>> |
PGroupedTableType.PairIterableMapFn.map(Pair<Object,Iterable<Object>> input)
Methods in org.apache.crunch.types that return types with arguments of type Pair | ||
SourceTarget<Pair<K,Iterable<V>>> |
PGroupedTableType.getDefaultFileSource(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path path)
PTypeFamily.pairs(PType<V1> p1,
PType<V2> p2)
Methods in org.apache.crunch.types with parameters of type Pair | |
Pair<K,Iterable<V>> |
PGroupedTableType.PairIterableMapFn.map(Pair<Object,Iterable<Object>> input)
Uses of Pair in org.apache.crunch.types.avro |
Methods in org.apache.crunch.types.avro that return Pair | |
Pair<K,V> |
AvroPairConverter.convertInput(org.apache.avro.mapred.AvroKey<K> key,
org.apache.avro.mapred.AvroValue<V> value)
Pair<K,Iterable<V>> |
AvroPairConverter.convertIterableInput(org.apache.avro.mapred.AvroKey<K> key,
Iterable<org.apache.avro.mapred.AvroValue<V>> iter)
Pair<K,Iterable<V>> |
AvroGroupedTableType.getDetachedValue(Pair<K,Iterable<V>> value)
Pair<K,V> |
AvroTableType.getDetachedValue(Pair<K,V> value)
Methods in org.apache.crunch.types.avro that return types with arguments of type Pair | ||
Class<Pair<K,Iterable<V>>> |
Avros.pairs(PType<V1> p1,
PType<V2> p2)
AvroTypeFamily.pairs(PType<V1> p1,
PType<V2> p2)
Methods in org.apache.crunch.types.avro with parameters of type Pair | |
Pair<K,Iterable<V>> |
AvroGroupedTableType.getDetachedValue(Pair<K,Iterable<V>> value)
Pair<K,V> |
AvroTableType.getDetachedValue(Pair<K,V> value)
org.apache.avro.mapred.AvroKey<K> |
AvroPairConverter.outputKey(Pair<K,V> value)
org.apache.avro.mapred.AvroValue<V> |
AvroPairConverter.outputValue(Pair<K,V> value)
Constructor parameters in org.apache.crunch.types.avro with type arguments of type Pair | |
AvroTableType(AvroType<K> keyType,
AvroType<V> valueType,
Class<Pair<K,V>> pairClass)
Uses of Pair in org.apache.crunch.types.writable |
Methods in org.apache.crunch.types.writable that return Pair | |
Pair<K,V> |
WritablePairConverter.convertInput(K key,
V value)
Pair<K,Iterable<V>> |
WritablePairConverter.convertIterableInput(K key,
Iterable<V> value)
Pair<K,Iterable<V>> |
WritableGroupedTableType.getDetachedValue(Pair<K,Iterable<V>> value)
Methods in org.apache.crunch.types.writable that return types with arguments of type Pair | ||
Class<Pair<K,Iterable<V>>> |
Writables.pairs(PType<V1> p1,
PType<V2> p2)
WritableTypeFamily.pairs(PType<V1> p1,
PType<V2> p2)
Methods in org.apache.crunch.types.writable with parameters of type Pair | |
Pair<K,Iterable<V>> |
WritableGroupedTableType.getDetachedValue(Pair<K,Iterable<V>> value)
K |
WritablePairConverter.outputKey(Pair<K,V> value)
V |
WritablePairConverter.outputValue(Pair<K,V> value)
Uses of Pair in org.apache.crunch.util |
Methods in org.apache.crunch.util that return types with arguments of type Pair | |
Iterator<Pair<S,T>> |