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Uses of Class org.apache.crunch.DoFn (Apache Crunch 0.9.0 API)

Uses of Class

Packages that use DoFn
org.apache.crunch Client-facing API and core abstractions. 
org.apache.crunch.contrib.bloomfilter Support for creating Bloom Filters. 
org.apache.crunch.fn Commonly used functions for manipulating collections. 
org.apache.crunch.lib Joining, sorting, aggregating, and other commonly used functionality. 
org.apache.crunch.lib.join Inner and outer joins on collections. 
org.apache.crunch.types Common functionality for business object serialization. 
org.apache.crunch.util An assorted set of utilities. 

Uses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch

Subclasses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch
 class CombineFn<S,T>
          A special DoFn implementation that converts an Iterable of values into a single value.
 class FilterFn<T>
          A DoFn for the common case of filtering the members of a PCollection based on a boolean condition.
 class MapFn<S,T>
          A DoFn for the common case of emitting exactly one value for each input record.

Methods in org.apache.crunch with parameters of type DoFn
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
PCollection.parallelDo(DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> doFn, PTableType<K,V> type)
          Similar to the other parallelDo instance, but returns a PTable instance instead of a PCollection.
<T> PCollection<T>
PCollection.parallelDo(DoFn<S,T> doFn, PType<T> type)
          Applies the given doFn to the elements of this PCollection and returns a new PCollection that is the output of this processing.
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
PCollection.parallelDo(String name, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> doFn, PTableType<K,V> type)
          Similar to the other parallelDo instance, but returns a PTable instance instead of a PCollection.
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
PCollection.parallelDo(String name, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> doFn, PTableType<K,V> type, ParallelDoOptions options)
          Similar to the other parallelDo instance, but returns a PTable instance instead of a PCollection.
<T> PCollection<T>
PCollection.parallelDo(String name, DoFn<S,T> doFn, PType<T> type)
          Applies the given doFn to the elements of this PCollection and returns a new PCollection that is the output of this processing.
<T> PCollection<T>
PCollection.parallelDo(String name, DoFn<S,T> doFn, PType<T> type, ParallelDoOptions options)
          Applies the given doFn to the elements of this PCollection and returns a new PCollection that is the output of this processing.

Uses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch.contrib.bloomfilter

Subclasses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch.contrib.bloomfilter
 class BloomFilterFn<S>
          The class is responsible for generating keys that are used in a BloomFilter

Uses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch.fn

Subclasses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch.fn
 class CompositeMapFn<R,S,T>
 class ExtractKeyFn<K,V>
          Wrapper function for converting a MapFn into a key-value pair that is used to convert from a PCollection<V> to a PTable<K, V>.
 class IdentityFn<T>
 class PairMapFn<K,V,S,T>

Uses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect

Fields in org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect declared as DoFn
protected  DoFn<?,Pair<K,V>> BaseDoTable.combineFn
protected  DoFn<?,Pair<K,V>> BaseDoTable.fn
protected  DoFn<Object,S> BaseDoCollection.fn

Methods in org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect with parameters of type DoFn
<S,T> BaseDoCollection<T>
PCollectionFactory.createDoCollection(String name, PCollectionImpl<S> chainingCollection, DoFn<S,T> fn, PType<T> type, ParallelDoOptions options)
<S,K,V> BaseDoTable<K,V>
PCollectionFactory.createDoTable(String name, PCollectionImpl<S> chainingCollection, CombineFn<K,V> combineFn, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn, PTableType<K,V> type)
<S,K,V> BaseDoTable<K,V>
PCollectionFactory.createDoTable(String name, PCollectionImpl<S> chainingCollection, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn, PTableType<K,V> type, ParallelDoOptions options)
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
PCollectionImpl.parallelDo(DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn, PTableType<K,V> type)
<T> PCollection<T>
PCollectionImpl.parallelDo(DoFn<S,T> fn, PType<T> type)
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
PCollectionImpl.parallelDo(String name, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn, PTableType<K,V> type)
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
PCollectionImpl.parallelDo(String name, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn, PTableType<K,V> type, ParallelDoOptions options)
<T> PCollection<T>
PCollectionImpl.parallelDo(String name, DoFn<S,T> fn, PType<T> type)
<T> PCollection<T>
PCollectionImpl.parallelDo(String name, DoFn<S,T> fn, PType<T> type, ParallelDoOptions options)

Constructors in org.apache.crunch.impl.dist.collect with parameters of type DoFn
BaseDoCollection(String name, PCollectionImpl<T> parent, DoFn<T,S> fn, PType<S> ptype, ParallelDoOptions options)
BaseDoTable(String name, PCollectionImpl<S> parent, CombineFn<K,V> combineFn, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn, PTableType<K,V> ntype)
BaseDoTable(String name, PCollectionImpl<S> parent, CombineFn<K,V> combineFn, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn, PTableType<K,V> ntype, ParallelDoOptions options)
BaseDoTable(String name, PCollectionImpl<S> parent, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn, PTableType<K,V> ntype, ParallelDoOptions options)

Uses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch.impl.mem.collect

Methods in org.apache.crunch.impl.mem.collect with parameters of type DoFn
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
MemCollection.parallelDo(DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> doFn, PTableType<K,V> type)
<T> PCollection<T>
MemCollection.parallelDo(DoFn<S,T> doFn, PType<T> type)
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
MemCollection.parallelDo(String name, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> doFn, PTableType<K,V> type)
<K,V> PTable<K,V>
MemCollection.parallelDo(String name, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> doFn, PTableType<K,V> type, ParallelDoOptions options)
<T> PCollection<T>
MemCollection.parallelDo(String name, DoFn<S,T> doFn, PType<T> type)
<T> PCollection<T>
MemCollection.parallelDo(String name, DoFn<S,T> doFn, PType<T> type, ParallelDoOptions options)

Uses of DoFn in

Methods in with parameters of type DoFn
<S,T> BaseDoCollection<T>
MRCollectionFactory.createDoCollection(String name, PCollectionImpl<S> parent, DoFn<S,T> fn, PType<T> type, ParallelDoOptions options)
<S,K,V> BaseDoTable<K,V>
MRCollectionFactory.createDoTable(String name, PCollectionImpl<S> parent, CombineFn<K,V> combineFn, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> reduceFn, PTableType<K,V> type)
<S,K,V> BaseDoTable<K,V>
MRCollectionFactory.createDoTable(String name, PCollectionImpl<S> parent, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn, PTableType<K,V> type, ParallelDoOptions options)

Uses of DoFn in

Methods in with parameters of type DoFn
static DoNode DoNode.createFnNode(String name, DoFn<?,?> function, PType<?> ptype, ParallelDoOptions options)

Uses of DoFn in

Constructors in with parameters of type DoFn
RTNode(DoFn<Object,Object> fn, PType<Object> outputPType, String name, List<RTNode> children, Converter inputConverter, Converter outputConverter, String outputName)

Uses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch.impl.spark

Methods in org.apache.crunch.impl.spark with parameters of type DoFn
 void SparkRuntimeContext.initialize(DoFn<?,?> fn)

Uses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch.impl.spark.collect

Methods in org.apache.crunch.impl.spark.collect with parameters of type DoFn
<S,T> BaseDoCollection<T>
SparkCollectFactory.createDoCollection(String name, PCollectionImpl<S> parent, DoFn<S,T> fn, PType<T> type, ParallelDoOptions options)
<S,K,V> BaseDoTable<K,V>
SparkCollectFactory.createDoTable(String name, PCollectionImpl<S> parent, CombineFn<K,V> combineFn, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn, PTableType<K,V> type)
<S,K,V> BaseDoTable<K,V>
SparkCollectFactory.createDoTable(String name, PCollectionImpl<S> parent, DoFn<S,Pair<K,V>> fn, PTableType<K,V> type, ParallelDoOptions options)

Uses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch.impl.spark.fn

Constructors in org.apache.crunch.impl.spark.fn with parameters of type DoFn
CrunchIterable(DoFn<S,T> fn, Iterator<S> input)
FlatMapDoFn(DoFn<S,T> fn, SparkRuntimeContext ctxt)
FlatMapPairDoFn(DoFn<Pair<K,V>,T> fn, SparkRuntimeContext ctxt)
PairFlatMapDoFn(DoFn<T,Pair<K,V>> fn, SparkRuntimeContext ctxt)
PairFlatMapPairDoFn(DoFn<Pair<K,V>,Pair<K2,V2>> fn, SparkRuntimeContext ctxt)

Uses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch.lib

Subclasses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch.lib
static class Aggregate.TopKCombineFn<K,V>
static class Aggregate.TopKFn<K,V>

Methods in org.apache.crunch.lib with parameters of type DoFn
SecondarySort.sortAndApply(PTable<K,Pair<V1,V2>> input, DoFn<Pair<K,Iterable<Pair<V1,V2>>>,Pair<U,V>> doFn, PTableType<U,V> ptype)
          Perform a secondary sort on the given PTable instance and then apply a DoFn to the resulting sorted data to yield an output PTable<U, V>.
SecondarySort.sortAndApply(PTable<K,Pair<V1,V2>> input, DoFn<Pair<K,Iterable<Pair<V1,V2>>>,Pair<U,V>> doFn, PTableType<U,V> ptype, int numReducers)
          Perform a secondary sort on the given PTable instance and then apply a DoFn to the resulting sorted data to yield an output PTable<U, V>, using the given number of reducers.
SecondarySort.sortAndApply(PTable<K,Pair<V1,V2>> input, DoFn<Pair<K,Iterable<Pair<V1,V2>>>,T> doFn, PType<T> ptype)
          Perform a secondary sort on the given PTable instance and then apply a DoFn to the resulting sorted data to yield an output PCollection<T>.
SecondarySort.sortAndApply(PTable<K,Pair<V1,V2>> input, DoFn<Pair<K,Iterable<Pair<V1,V2>>>,T> doFn, PType<T> ptype, int numReducers)
          Perform a secondary sort on the given PTable instance and then apply a DoFn to the resulting sorted data to yield an output PCollection<T>, using the given number of reducers.

Uses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch.lib.join

Subclasses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch.lib.join
 class FullOuterJoinFn<K,U,V>
          Used to perform the last step of an full outer join.
 class InnerJoinFn<K,U,V>
          Used to perform the last step of an inner join.
 class JoinFn<K,U,V>
          Represents a DoFn for performing joins.
 class LeftOuterJoinFn<K,U,V>
          Used to perform the last step of an left outer join.
 class RightOuterJoinFn<K,U,V>
          Used to perform the last step of an right outer join.

Methods in org.apache.crunch.lib.join with parameters of type DoFn
<K,U,V,T> PCollection<T>
OneToManyJoin.oneToManyJoin(PTable<K,U> left, PTable<K,V> right, DoFn<Pair<U,Iterable<V>>,T> postProcessFn, PType<T> ptype)
          Performs a join on two tables, where the left table only contains a single value per key.
<K,U,V,T> PCollection<T>
OneToManyJoin.oneToManyJoin(PTable<K,U> left, PTable<K,V> right, DoFn<Pair<U,Iterable<V>>,T> postProcessFn, PType<T> ptype, int numReducers)
          Supports a user-specified number of reducers for the one-to-many join.

Uses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch.lib.sort

Subclasses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch.lib.sort
static class SortFns.AvroGenericFn<V extends Tuple>
          Pulls a composite set of keys from an Avro GenericRecord instance.
static class SortFns.SingleKeyFn<V extends Tuple,K>
          Extracts a single indexed key from a Tuple instance.
static class SortFns.TupleKeyFn<V extends Tuple,K extends Tuple>
          Extracts a composite key from a Tuple instance.

Uses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch.types

Subclasses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch.types
static class PGroupedTableType.PairIterableMapFn<K,V>

Methods in org.apache.crunch.types that return DoFn
<M extends>
Protos.lineParser(String sep, Class<M> msgClass)

Uses of DoFn in org.apache.crunch.util

Constructors in org.apache.crunch.util with parameters of type DoFn
DelegatingReadableData(ReadableData<S> delegate, DoFn<S,T> fn)
DoFnIterator(Iterator<S> iter, DoFn<S,T> fn)

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